
We would like to draw the attention of the traveling public to the fact that our normal transfer service is temporarily suspended, only Private transfer service can be ordered! Thank you for your understanding!
Budapest Airport

Debrecen, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Tiszaújváros and its surroundings - Budapest Airport

number of
one way
return way

Extra charges: In case of travelling from / to Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló, Nyíregyháza, Miskolc, Tiszaújváros, Gyöngyös we do not count extra charges but in case of travelling from / to other cities please inform from our customer service. 
Family discount: Discounts According to the menu item, in case of a transfer in Budapest, we provide a 50% discount for children under the age of 14, but it can be used for a maximum of 50% of those traveling together. Cannot be combined with other discounts.

Late night extra charge: Regarding flights departing between 0:00am and 05:00am and flights landing between 00:15am and 05:00am the following private transfer prices are valid:

                                                                                                                PRIVATE SHUTTLE

Debrecen, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Eger, Tiszaújváros and its surroundings - Budapest Airport

number of
one way

return way

1-3 58 000 HUF  115 000 HUF
4-8 95 000 HUF  190 000 HUF

Debrecen Airport

Miskolc - Debrecen Airport

number of
one way

return way

1-3 35 000 HUF 70 000 HUF
4-8 50 000 HUF 100 000 HUF

Nagyvárad - Debrecen Airport

number of
one way

return way

1-3 35 000 HUF 70 000 HUF
4-8 50 000 HUF 100 000 HUF

Nyíregyháza - Debrecen Airport

number of
one way

return way

1-3 30 000 HUF 60 000 HUF

In case of other towns there are special fees, please call our customer service.

 Wien Airport
Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló, Nyíregyháza, Miskolc, Tiszaújváros, Eger, Szolnok and its surroundings - Wien Airport

number of
one way

return way

1-3 150 000 HUF 300 000 HUF
4-8 180 000 HUF 360 000 HUF

Extra charges: In case of travelling from / to Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló, Nyíregyháza, Miskolc, Tiszaújváros, Gyöngyös we do not count extra charges but in case of travelling from / to other cities please inform from our customer service. 

Letisko Bratislava Airport

Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló, Nyíregyháza, Miskolc, Tiszaújváros, Eger, Szolnok,  and its surroundings - Bratislava Airport

number of
one way

return way

1-3 150 000 HUF 300 000 HUF
4-8 180 000 HUF 360 000 HUF



Komonyi István EV.

Hungary 4264 Nyírábrány Budaábrányi street 62.
Tax number: 55907275-1-29
Bank account number: CIB Bank. 10702064-71977553-51100005
IBAN: HU51 1070 2064 7197 7553 5110 0005

Telephone orders: From Monday to Sunday 8:00-20:00,  06-30-299-71-23

Travel technical information:

Customer service:

Phone: 06-30-299-71-23


